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Very Superstitious

Do you think black cats portend bad tidings? Are you triskaidekaphobic (fear of the number 13)? Growing up, I used to hear all sorts of things that were supposedly bad luck or could bring on something that you'd rather not, well, bring on. There was the one about walking under a ladder...or how many of you remember that little ditty about stepping on a crack and breaking your Mama's back? Yeah? I thought you might LOL 

I asked a few people about any superstitions that they may have heard/been told. Not all of them are omens of doom and gloom. Some are kinda funny and some you might even want to have happen. Like this first one:

If palm of your left hand is itching, you're going to receive some money.
     Okay, that's a superstition that I can deal with. Now don't go rubbing your left hand on poison ivy to make your palm itchy to get money. The only thing you're going to do is end up with itchy palms that will spread and have you bathing in oatmeal and chamomile. By the way, if it's your right palm get ready to shell out some money.

Don't write/sign your name in red. 
     According to someone well-versed in Korean culture, writing/signing your name in red is basically and omen of death. The way it was explained to me was that in the Korean culture, when some dies, their names are written in red - I'm guessing in things like family records, memoriams and other docs. Basically, choose another color pen - blue, green, purple, even pink if you think you might have to write your name on absolutely anything. I'd heard it was rude to write a check or sign something official in red. I will definitely think about this now.

Don't whistle at calls forth the snakes.
     This is another one from my well-versed Korean culture enthusiast. I don't know how snakes hear or maybe the whistle trills at some octave that they can feel beneath their slithering flesh. Either way, I'm not risking any visitations from the creeptastic little creatures. Whistling at night is OUT!

If you knock over the chair when you stand up, you will never get married.
     Wow! Can you imagine? You've been planning your wedding since you were like 7, playing dress up, having your stuffed animals stand in as both wedding party and guests...Then all of a sudden you stand up, probably too quickly - maybe you were rushing to grab a snack (or coffee yum) and you tip over the chair. All those plans you had for getting married - cancel 'em. According to this superstition, you had better  be prepared to be a bachelorette or bachelor 4 LIFE! Maybe you could get a cat?

If someone is sweeping, never let the broom sweep your feet.
     The way I heard it, this one means that you are headed to the pokey, the hoosegow, the pen, the joint, the slammer! I think my grandparents told me about this one. Whenever anyone would sweep, my grandmother made sure her little footsies were out of reach. 

If you spill salt, make sure you gather up a pinch of it and toss it over your shoulder...or else.
    This is another one that I've heard quite a few times. The reason you toss a little salt is of course to ward off bad luck. Specifically, you're tossing that salt into the eye of the bad spirit, demon, witch whatever you called up by spilling that salt. They apparently don't like it and it makes them stay away, go back where they came from or at least go and bother someone else who drops some salt. I'm not saying that I do this when I spill salt but then again I'm not saying that I don't either.

Never set your purse/wallet on the floor...
     Why? Well according to what I was told, this one will ensure that you are forever broke. No money for you so forget about that raise or bonus you were hoping for. Or that winning lottery ticket...not gonna happen. Should have set your purse/wallet in your lap or on the chair next to you. No money-no fun(ny)

So tell me some that you have so I can spread the word. Let's help others avoid bad juju. LOL


  1. Didn't know about signing your name in red 😳

  2. Sherah!!!! No red pens for signatures nopety nope nope


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