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Poetry Corner

Quiet Blue

Looking out on an expanse of tranquility...
Here I sit...alone but not lonely...
Between them there is a difference...
It's subtle, yet deep in its intensity...

Alone, a stone of thoughts...
Small and light...will skip across the serenity of blue...
Smooth ripples, endless ripples that dance across the surface...
Calming in its undulating rhythm...

Lonely, a boulder of thoughts...
Big and heavy...would not skip or dance across the peaceful oasis...
Rough swells, endless swells that battle much deeper than the surface...
Torrential in its unrelenting cadence...

Here I sit...alone but not lonely...
The difference between them... a choice, a mindset...
A lone stone, small and light...skipping and dancing...
Or a boulder, rough and heavy...sinking you to the bottom, ruining the quiet blue.


The Usual

At my usual spot, a table for one...
Yes that one...the one, away from the kitchen but near a window...
I sit with a clear view of life as it passes by...

Sitting in my usual spot, a table for one...
I stare into tomorrow...wondering how just yesterday, I was certain...
Certain that THIS is where I would always be...

But now my usual spot, a table for one...
That one is too small...amazing how just yesterday, I was certain...
Certain that THIS table would always be for me...

So my usual spot, my table for one...
Has been changed...Yesterday is gone, and today there's me and you...
And that table for one, is now a table for two.



Slowly, almost to the point of pain... you drag your supple lips across mine... 
Back and forth, back and forth…
MMM, I taste us on your lips...feel the fine hairs of your beard...
My heart is beating so rapidly...I’m certain you can hear it…
can feel it. 
Your talented fingers slide over me...
 Keys of a piano, you tickle and skim across my skin... 
the song you play has me singing in near ecstasy … 
has me dancing...
 and then, you begin to hum. 
The vibrations roll through me from the depths of you...
raising fine bumps on my skin...
Balancing on passion’s edge, I catch you watching me... 
The look in your eyes is one of triumph… 
of pleasure...
You know you were the cause... that you were the reason…
And it is that look that sends me tumbling...
into the arms of blissful... 



Thinking of you, makes me smile...
Not just a slight grin but toothy grin which I fight to hide behind my lips. Swollen from biting on them...
wishing, imagining that it was you nibbling, passionately on my lips...
Thinking of your arms fills me with joy...
Not just a little happy but full blown ecstasy that I try and fail to contain within me... 
It’s because I’m thinking of your arms holding me tightly against your chest like you’d never let me go...
Thinking of your lips fills me with need...
Not just a little desire but full blown wantonness that I try and fail to endure...
It’s because your lips remind me of your passionate kisses and where they lead...
Thinking of you is all that I CAN do because I’ve never met you...
Don’t even know who you are...
But I can see you…in the depths of my imaginative soul, I can see you... 
In my dreams, I see you seeing me...
 and that let’s me know...
I’m real.

Whisky Sour

Reds and golds swirl…dancing in delight…sending chills across my lips.
Your sweet nectar slides past my lips and teases my tongue…
The first taste sends a heady rush coursing through me…
delighting my senses...
The rush leaves me wanting more...
Parted lips, ready for another taste of your sweetness…
And I drink you in... 
longer, faster pulling you in to my mouth…
savoring you..
Ice cold, you burn me to the core...
And I thank you.


Would You
Would you hold me close if I couldn't sleep?
Would you wipe my tears if I could no longer hold them in? 
Would you hold my hand if I was afraid? 
Would you protect me from the dangers of this world? 
Would you help me fight and slay my dragons? 
Would you shield me from the cold with the warmth of your heart?
Would you?

Pregnant midnight clouds...full and ripe...
Rupture at the seam...spilling forth its bounty
Its life giving seed drenching all of me
Arms outstretched...spinning and bathing in its cleansing outburst
Making me shiver...
The first captured on wet, parted lips...bloated drops dance on my tongue
Cascading rivulets trace serpentine patterns down my upturned face
Hiding tears...raising tides...lowering inhibitions
Winds gust...thunder rolls...building...growing
A fevered crescendo...
Moisture gathers on leaves, on petals...
Bottled lightning threatens to escape...
Join me and embrace the fall...
Dance with me and revel in the esoteric power
Of the rain

It's easy to do but let us not confuse the characters in this story...
His actions hurt and shattered me...
Hers were careless and broke your heart...
He was a cheat...
She left you...
But all that happened long ago...
Before you met me and I met you...
I bid him and his hurts good bye...
And if she with her actions and words left you broken...
Toss those thoughts aside...
No broken promises, no heartless words, no painful memories...
For the characters have been rewritten...
You are not him and I am not her...
In our story, there's only us...
You and me.



watching the sunrise...
after an extended night...
bathing in the glow that is you...
a welcome to sunsets...
enjoying the nights...
with you...
I am happy...
knowing you..
I am free...
because of you...
I am between sky and earth...
touching land...


Opportunities may be lost 
But dreams are not deferred
Alas, they are stolen 
By nefarious waifs in the night.


You think I don't know
But these words I say are true
I'll love you always



three months...
twelve weeks...
ninety days...
of bliss...
passion consumes all in its path...
all it touches...
threatening to burn us...
yet we are drawn...
ever closer...
hopelessly lost...
as it burns out of control...
rampaging towards the forest...
of sanity...
of logic...
of reason...
ashes to ashes...
dust to dust...
from this we rise...
the Phoenix...
born of passion...
born of light...
emblazoned with emotion...
burned by the...


Flames burn bright
 until they are blown out
 by the breath of the one who
 once gave you your reason to glow
In the dark now, your smoldering ashes beg to be stirred to life
 with the spark of love that never comes
Yet you wait…You hope…
And then you feel it…
A small but new whisper of breath flutters the ashes
Dare you hope? 
Will this new breath be the spark your heart has been longing for?
Dare you trust it to keep you warm…
to make you burn…again?



All the days with you
From now until forever
Love shines in my eyes     

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