Dear Mackgurl,
I hope you are doing alright and staying safe with all this pandemic/COVID19 stuff. I'm going to jump in cause I really need your advice or opinion on this situation. So ok um, because I've had close to ZERO luck or success with love and dating in general I decided to try something a little different. It's not THAT different but for me it was - online dating. See the commercials made it seem fairly easy and everyone was smiling and meeting their SOULMATES (rolls eyes). My friends laughed at me when I told them I was going to make an online dating profile. A few of them even said I was dumb/crazy for doing it. "You don't know these men - they can pretend to be anyone online..." But I figured, I'm an adult so why not give it a shot?
So, I set up my profile including a fairly good picture and waited, swiped left on some that were a no go - swiped right on some that peaked my interest. Then I waited some more and then suddenly like magic HE messaged me! We matched! He was sooooo handsome and seemed to have his life together, but just lacking a mate. I was like okkkkkkk. We chatted through the app and then moved to actual phone calls. Then here comes COVID19 just as we were about to (hopefully) have our first in person meet up at a coffee shop or over dinner - you know a real date. But as apocalyptic as this COVID mess was sounding with all it's stay at home orders and stuff, I was like, well this isn't going to happen.
But he didn't stop calling much to my surprise. Problem was every call started to become centered around one question from him "When are you coming to see me?" I was like umm, What? Nothing's open - no restaurants, no coffee shops, where will we go? What would we do? HE responded "my place...we can watch a movie here" 👀👀👀 I said no, rather not do that for the first meeting. What about doing an online virtual date? Girl, do you know he BLOCKED ME? Unfriended me AND blocked me but not before saying - via text message - "good luck finding a lame ass dude that would waste his time with that ish...wish you well" WHAT???!!! Mackgrul, IDEK how to feel about this...pissed...hurt...?? Was I wrong? Did I ask too much?
Disappointed Denise
Aww DD, don't be blue!
Okay, I will try to keep this brief - gonna be tough though cause I've been right where you are. Jumped - okay maybe I tiptoed - into the online dating scene. I thought perhaps it's not so bad after all, especially after I found someone I thought was cool and interesting and handsome and this is not about me (my bad). But sheesh you actually found someone you figured was worth talking to, getting to know...and then here comes this heifer aka COVID19. Now Prince Charming is all and ONLY about getting you to his please for some Net-ahem, COUCH & CHILL!! Ugh, what happened to romance? Seriously, somebody bring it back PLEASE!!! You know if he'd agreed to the virtual date you'd be grinning from ear to ear telling me about how he had dinner delivered to both you, how you picked out a movie to watch - together BUT online (Hello social distancing...). Maaaaaaan, that would be SWEET, thoughtful and dare I say ROMANTIC? BUTTTTT that didn't happen and you asked my opinion on what you should do/feel...alright, here goes:
BE GRATEFUL!!! Damn near JUBILENT, even! He showed you the extent of his interest or lack thereof BEFORE you wasted anymore of your valuable time and bandwith on this joka! I have to say, the way he did it was beyond childish, happened to me too...SMDH but I digress.. At the end of the day, you dodged a bullet, sis! Doesn't mean you give up because you swiped right when he was definitely a left swipe type-a dude. So smile and fix your crown, never know - your King may be watching...

Dear MG,
First of all, let me tell you that I have been reading your blog for a while and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. You have a great sense of humor but there seems to be a message behind the humor. So, I thought maybe you could help me with a dilemma.
Well, my DH and I have been married for 15 years. He has just recently told me that he no longer finds me attractive. He says that I should put down the cookies and join a gym. That I need to lose some weight! He stopped just short of coming right out and saying I am FAT!! I don't think I'm THAT big. I mean, I'm 5'8" and I'm a size 12. I have always liked my curves - but maybe I could stand to shed a few pounds. Maybe go to the salon and get a new look? IDK what to do. I love my DH and I don't want him to leave me - but this is become a huge issue (no pun intended).
Anyway, thanks for listening.
Curvy Carla
Dear CC,
Thanks for reading my blog. And of course, I would be happy to offer you my opinion on your situation. Ok, here goes...You can't make a man stay with you. Ok - maybe if you're that one lady in the movie version of Stephen King's novel MISERY but you know what I'm saying. If he wants to go, he's going to go. No amount of begging, pleading or crying can make a man bent on leaving stay.
Can you change your appearance? Sure, that's doable. But I would suggest that before you spend $30/month on a gym membership or dye your hair some horrible color that you examine your motives. In other words, make these changes for you - not for your DH. Real talk? He could still leave AFTER you do all that.
Besides that - if you were to look through social media/entertainment news sites and look at the bevy of beauties had men either leave them completely or cheat. Some of these women are so gorgeous that it should be illegal! Yet, their dear-hubbies strayed.
My dear CC, ultimately the choice is yours on what you decide to do. But I say...
I hope you are doing alright and staying safe with all this pandemic/COVID19 stuff. I'm going to jump in cause I really need your advice or opinion on this situation. So ok um, because I've had close to ZERO luck or success with love and dating in general I decided to try something a little different. It's not THAT different but for me it was - online dating. See the commercials made it seem fairly easy and everyone was smiling and meeting their SOULMATES (rolls eyes). My friends laughed at me when I told them I was going to make an online dating profile. A few of them even said I was dumb/crazy for doing it. "You don't know these men - they can pretend to be anyone online..." But I figured, I'm an adult so why not give it a shot?
So, I set up my profile including a fairly good picture and waited, swiped left on some that were a no go - swiped right on some that peaked my interest. Then I waited some more and then suddenly like magic HE messaged me! We matched! He was sooooo handsome and seemed to have his life together, but just lacking a mate. I was like okkkkkkk. We chatted through the app and then moved to actual phone calls. Then here comes COVID19 just as we were about to (hopefully) have our first in person meet up at a coffee shop or over dinner - you know a real date. But as apocalyptic as this COVID mess was sounding with all it's stay at home orders and stuff, I was like, well this isn't going to happen.
But he didn't stop calling much to my surprise. Problem was every call started to become centered around one question from him "When are you coming to see me?" I was like umm, What? Nothing's open - no restaurants, no coffee shops, where will we go? What would we do? HE responded "my place...we can watch a movie here" 👀👀👀 I said no, rather not do that for the first meeting. What about doing an online virtual date? Girl, do you know he BLOCKED ME? Unfriended me AND blocked me but not before saying - via text message - "good luck finding a lame ass dude that would waste his time with that ish...wish you well" WHAT???!!! Mackgrul, IDEK how to feel about this...pissed...hurt...?? Was I wrong? Did I ask too much?
Disappointed Denise
Aww DD, don't be blue!
Okay, I will try to keep this brief - gonna be tough though cause I've been right where you are. Jumped - okay maybe I tiptoed - into the online dating scene. I thought perhaps it's not so bad after all, especially after I found someone I thought was cool and interesting and handsome and this is not about me (my bad). But sheesh you actually found someone you figured was worth talking to, getting to know...and then here comes this heifer aka COVID19. Now Prince Charming is all and ONLY about getting you to his please for some Net-ahem, COUCH & CHILL!! Ugh, what happened to romance? Seriously, somebody bring it back PLEASE!!! You know if he'd agreed to the virtual date you'd be grinning from ear to ear telling me about how he had dinner delivered to both you, how you picked out a movie to watch - together BUT online (Hello social distancing...). Maaaaaaan, that would be SWEET, thoughtful and dare I say ROMANTIC? BUTTTTT that didn't happen and you asked my opinion on what you should do/feel...alright, here goes:
BE GRATEFUL!!! Damn near JUBILENT, even! He showed you the extent of his interest or lack thereof BEFORE you wasted anymore of your valuable time and bandwith on this joka! I have to say, the way he did it was beyond childish, happened to me too...SMDH but I digress.. At the end of the day, you dodged a bullet, sis! Doesn't mean you give up because you swiped right when he was definitely a left swipe type-a dude. So smile and fix your crown, never know - your King may be watching...

Dear MG,
First of all, let me tell you that I have been reading your blog for a while and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. You have a great sense of humor but there seems to be a message behind the humor. So, I thought maybe you could help me with a dilemma.
Well, my DH and I have been married for 15 years. He has just recently told me that he no longer finds me attractive. He says that I should put down the cookies and join a gym. That I need to lose some weight! He stopped just short of coming right out and saying I am FAT!! I don't think I'm THAT big. I mean, I'm 5'8" and I'm a size 12. I have always liked my curves - but maybe I could stand to shed a few pounds. Maybe go to the salon and get a new look? IDK what to do. I love my DH and I don't want him to leave me - but this is become a huge issue (no pun intended).
Anyway, thanks for listening.
Curvy Carla
Dear CC,
Thanks for reading my blog. And of course, I would be happy to offer you my opinion on your situation. Ok, here goes...You can't make a man stay with you. Ok - maybe if you're that one lady in the movie version of Stephen King's novel MISERY but you know what I'm saying. If he wants to go, he's going to go. No amount of begging, pleading or crying can make a man bent on leaving stay.
Can you change your appearance? Sure, that's doable. But I would suggest that before you spend $30/month on a gym membership or dye your hair some horrible color that you examine your motives. In other words, make these changes for you - not for your DH. Real talk? He could still leave AFTER you do all that.
Besides that - if you were to look through social media/entertainment news sites and look at the bevy of beauties had men either leave them completely or cheat. Some of these women are so gorgeous that it should be illegal! Yet, their dear-hubbies strayed.
My dear CC, ultimately the choice is yours on what you decide to do. But I say...