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Who Are You?

Who are you,  Tra (Tray)?

I’m admittedly curious about, well, quite a few things. But perhaps I am the most interested in people. Why they do the things they do…their likes, dislikes, dreams and aspirations. Sooooooo I figured, why not ask a few people a few things about themselves. I’m going to try to convince, cajole, coerce, beg, ask a few people to take a few minutes to talk about their favorite subject - THEMSELVES. This is the first in what I hope will be many entries in the series WHO ARE YOU?

My first victim, guinea pig, test subject, guest is Tra. I had the pleasure of interviewing him this afternoon. Here’s what he had to say:

Mackgurl: Tra,thank you for agreeing to chat with me today.
Tra: My pleasure.
Mackgurl: Okay so no pressure just a few questions to help us learn about you. Ready?
Tra: Ready
Mackgurl: Great! First question. - What do you do? And by that I mean, for a living?
Tra: I sell Kirby vacuums.
Mackgurl: A salesman! Very nice! How long have you been salesman for Kirby?
Tra: I’ve been doing it for 3 years now.
Mackgurl: 3 years? Cool! I’m guessing since you’re still with them that you like the job. What do you like about the job the most and what do you maybe not like so much?
Tra: I like it because it’s great money and you can be your own business owner. And you meet plenty of different people from different walks of life. Hmm, what I don’t like about it? Cleaning people’s house to sell them lol
Mackgurl: LMAO Yeah, I can see how cleaning someone’s house would been no fun at all. Especially if they turn around and say no afterwards.
Tra: LOL
Mackgurl: So Tra, I know you like your current job but what would be your dream job? The one career that you want in your heart of hearts? And what if anything is keeping you from your dream?
Tra: My dream career is to become a rapper and nothing’s stopping me but the money… but that’s why I am working for Kirby…to fund my music career.
Mackgurl: A rapper? WOW!!! Do you currently have any music produced?
Tra: Yes, yes I have plenty of music out!
Mackgurl: So there are tons of artists out now. Who would you say your style is most reminiscent of?
Tra: I wouldn’t be the person to answer that because I try not to sound like anyone. I barely listen to anyone else unless they’re on the radio.
Mackgurl: An artist with a different sound? Very nice! I would love to hear something. Would you like to share your “name” and a link to where we can listen to your music?
Tra: Yes, my music is different indeed. I go by “Tra” and my music is on Apple Music 

Mackgurl: Well let me post that album right now... 

Album · 2018 · 12 Songs

Mackgurl: Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me today. Alright, one final question, Tra. ...Who are you?
Tra: That’s a great question. I am ME… unapologetically.

Well there you have it. The first of the interviews in the WHO ARE YOU series. If you would like to be interviewed or know someone who would, drop me a line Many thanks, once again to Tra. Don’t forget to check out his music. I did and already have a couple faves downloaded.



Who are you, Mr. Charles?

Hey there! So guess what?? I was able to wrangle, rope, secure 🤔? Yeah, let's go with that SECURE another interviewee for my new series WHO ARE YOU? Tonight's guest is Mr. Bradley Charles (don't you just love a man with 2 first names? LOL)

Mackgurl: Good evening, Mr. Charles.

Mr. Charles: Good evening and please, call me Bradley.
Mackgurl: (Hmm, Bradley huh? Not Brad? Interesting): Thank you, Bradley. So what do you do?
Bradley: I work for the Social Security Administration.
Mackgurl: Nice! Do you like your job?
Bradley: I love my job.
Mackgurl: Yeah, that's great! What does one who works for the Social Security Administration (man that's a mouthful) do on a daily? Oh and what do you like about what you do?
Bradley: I award benefits to those who have been disabled. It's rewarding to know that what you do helps them find relief. You may hear about wait times but I try really hard to get the job done right the first time.
Mackgurl: Wow! That sounds like an important and very worthwhile job to have. It has to feel great to help someone like that.
Bradley: Absolutely!
Mackgurl: Tell me, Brad - I'm sorry, Bradley how long have you worked for the Social Security Administration?
Bradley: I have been there for 4 years.
Mackgurl: Okay, so I know what you like about the job - helping others find relief - but tell me, between you and me (smile) what don't you like about the job?
Bradley: LOL, hmm...What I don't like are the attorneys and their demands. They push, push and push. But they are trying to get awards but as much of the benefits as they can.
Mackgurl: Yikes! I can see how that could definitely be frustrating. I'm glad there are employees like you who go the extra mile to help their clients for the sake of the clients...
Bradley: Thanks, Mackgurl.
Mackgurl: Well, Bradley, it's been real and informative. Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me this evening.
Bradley: You're welcome. My pleasure.
Mackgurl: Say Bradley, before I let you go, I have one more question for you...WHO ARE YOU?
Bradley: Who am I? I am more than the sum of the parts. I am strategic and calculating. I wear my feelings on my sleeve. Dallas Cowboys for Life!!!

Well there you have it Guys & Dolls...the second installment of the WHO ARE YOU? series. My thanks to Bradley Charles for letting me borrow him for this interview.

If you know someone who you think would be a good interview - or heck, if you'd like me to interview you, drop me a line at



Who are you, Mr. Dexter?

Heyyyy!! I am on a roll - ok not a HUGE roll...maybe more like a small dinner roll... 🤔Anywho, I have another interview for my new series WHO ARE YOU? Tonight's guest is Dexter. Yep, that's it - just Dexter...a man with only one name...

Mackgurl: Good evening, Mr. Dexter.

Mr. Dexter:  Good evening and it's just Dexter.
Mackgurl:  Okaaayyy Dexter. Pleasure to meet you. So tell me, what do you do?
Dexter: I am a payroll specialist.
Mackgurl: Nice! So you're who people call on when there's a problem or something that they want to change for a company's payroll department? I bet there are tons of reports. Am I close?
Dexter: Yes, to a certain extent. My job includes prelim and final benefits and payroll reports, allocation of funds, creating/reviewing spreadsheets (I knew it😏) all in keeping in line with state and federal guidelines and policies.
Mackgurl: How long have you been doing this job?
Dexter: Two months
Mackgurl: Oh okay so still in the honeymoon stage as it were.
Dexter: LOL yes, that's right.
Mackgurl: What do you like most about what you do?
Dexter: The opportunity for growth and advancement are very strong here.
Mackgurl: Ahhh have your eye on a corner office? Your own division? Hmmm??? Sheesh you will need a decent size desk for that office. You're fairly tall? What, 6'1?
Dexter: LOL, 6'2
Mackgurl:  Ahhh so not going to touch on the desire for that corner office, huh? Alright, Alright, we'll let that one go...for now LOL So what do you like least about your job?
Dexter: Hmm, the thing that I like the least is the over abundance of systems. At times, it can make a simple - or what could be simple - process very complicated. This is time consuming for the specialist, as well as the customer.
Mackgurl: Gotcha. Why have 12 systems that you have to communicate with, in sequence,  for something easily handled with say, 3?
Dexter: Exactly!
Mackgurl: Well, it certainly sounds like you have a clear handle on your new position as a payroll specialist. Heck, you already have ideas on how to streamline the processes! I'm sure that corner office will be yours in no time *wink*
Dexter: LOL, you're something else
Mackgurl:  So they tell me, so they tell me. Seriously though, I want to thank you so much for letting me borrow you for this interview. I truly appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today.
Dexter: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Mackgurl:  NowI have one more question before you go...but it's the one question that I and my readers really want to have you answer...WHO ARE YOU?
Dexter: Who am I?  That's a great question. I am a father...a man...a lover...and a true friend.
Mackgurl: Very nice...

Well there you have it dudes and dudettes..the third installment of the WHO ARE YOU? series. My thanks to Dexter for letting me borrow him for this interview.

If you know someone who you think would be a good interview - or heck, if you'd like me to interview you, drop me a line at



Who are you, Mrs. Elizabeth Fiorentino Williams?

Hi there, blogoverse. The foray into the lives of others - what they do, what they like (hmm, kinda nosey huh? nah, just curious as always, lol) - basically what makes them, well THEM - continues. Tonight's guest in the WHO ARE YOU? series is Elizabeth Fiorentino Williams. She's agreed to give us a peek into her life.

Mackgurl: Good evening, Mrs. Fiorentino Williams.

Mrs. Williams: Hahaha! Good evening, Mackgurl. I've known you too long for all that so please, call me Elizabeth.
Mackgurl: LOL You're right! Thanks, Elizabeth. My series interviewees have been decidedly male until now, lol. Thanks for shaking things up a bit.
Elizabeth: My pleasure.
Mackgurl: So, Elizabeth, what do you do?
Elizabeth: I help others. I created Naturally Complete of NC (#NCofNC) so I could offer hands-on support to individuals and families looking to make transitions in their life with their health, wellness, weight loss, and/or other areas. I teach classes, workshops, demos, and sell natural products, plus I offer support and accountability both online and in person.
Mackgurl: That sounds amazing! Helping people is something that really speaks to me. How long have you been doing this, #NCofNC?
Elizabeth: For 20 years now. I founded #NCofNC back in January of 1999.
Mackgurl: TWENTY YEARS??!! Oh wow!!! You're an expert in this field then, huh? Twenty years of helping people better themselves. Impressive! So I'm guessing that means that you like what you do?
Elizabeth: I love what I do! 
Mackgurl: Awesome! What would you say you like the most?
Elizabeth: I especially like seeing the realization on someone's face when they get that THEY can do this. It's priceless to be a part of their story.
Mackgurl: You get to actually be a contributing factor to them making positive changes - lifelong changes - in their lives. That has to feel great. Is there anything that you'd say is not so great? A part of your job that you like the least?
Elizabeth: The part I like the least? That would have to be watching people make poor choices because they don't know any better, or worse yet because they are not interested nor committed to taking control of their own health.
Mackgurl: Hmm, yeah I can see how that would be disheartening...especially when there are other options available to them. I'm glad that there are people like you with knowledge, skills, drive and willingness to hep others on a journey of health and wellness. How would someone get in touch with you should they want to know more about #NCofNC and how to take that first step on their journey of healthy living?
Elizabeth: Thanks. I'm on Facebook & Twitter @ylrose3 or feel free to visit my website I'm also available via email at and via phone at 888-383-4098.
Mackgurl: Well, Elizabeth, it's been great chatting with you. Thanks for sharing you with us and letting us take a peek into what you do.
Elizabeth: No problem! It was fun!
Mackgurl: One more thing before I let you go, I have one last question for you...WHO ARE YOU?
Elizabeth: I am an open, bold, courageous woman. I stand for integrity, abundance and empowerment in the world. I am a child of God, here to serve. I am a daughter a sister, a wife, an aunt and a loyal friend. I am a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and a PlantPure Pod Group Leader. Plus, I know I am different every day because of the people that I meet... like you, Mackgurl.
Mackgurl: AWWW thanks, EFW!

Well there you have it,  Jacks and Jills...another installment of the WHO ARE YOU? series is complete. My thanks to Elizabeth Fiorentino Williams for allowing me to borrow her for this interview.

If you know someone that you think would be a good interview - or you'd be interested in me interviewing you, speak up!! Send me an email.



Who are you, Mr. Teddy Masters?

Hello hello hello! That's right, blogosphere, your girl Mackgurl is here! And guess what? I have a guest! Yes I found another willing participant for the WHO ARE YOU? series.  Mr. Teddy Masters has agreed to let me pull back the curtain of his life...just a little.

Mackgurl: My guest today is Mr. Teddy Masters. Mr. Masters, how are you this evening?

Mr. Masters: Teddy, please. I'm doing quite well thanks.
Mackgurl: Hmm, Teddy? Is that short for Theodore or is your name actually Teddy?
Teddy: Neither, lol. It's a nickname I was given - actually, folks say I'm like a living breathing Teddy Bear, lol. So the name kinda stuck.
Mackgurl: Ahhhh, nice. Ok cool. So Teddy (trying so hard not to say Teddy Bear, hehehe), what is that you do? 
Teddy: I work in home remodeling and demolition.
Mackgurl: Ooooh really? So you gut, tear down and rebuild houses - making them even better than they were before? Like the shows on TV? The ones that follow designers who do home makeovers? 
Teddy: LOL, yeah something like that.
Mackgurl: Nice!!! So when will you have your own show? Wait do you have your own show??
Teddy: Whoa, lol nah I don't have a show - well not yet lol
Mackgurl: Ayyyeee! I hear that. So how long have you been in this line of work?
Teddy: It will be a year in March. So still kinda new.
Mackgurl: New is good. Can learn everything you need, get some practice in before the first episode of The House that Teddy Built airs, right?
Teddy: LOL, Mackgurl that's a pretty good name for a home design show. 
Mackgurl: Hmmm well, if no WHEN you get ready, let me know...I might gift that show title to you.
Teddy: Thanks!
Mackgurl: No doubt. Home remodeling and demo - what do you like the most about your job?
Teddy: What I like most is seeing the faces of the home owners when various jobs that they thought couldn't be done, are finished. Not only finished but done right. That look of joy and amazement - that's what I like.
Mackgurl: Wow! It's a job but you get something out of it, too. Yeah sure the homeowners are made happy by a successful remodel that probably exceeds their expectations but you get to know that you played a part in their happiness. Very nice.
Teddy: Thanks.
Mackgurl: As good as that all sounds, is there anything that you have discovered that you don't like about what you do?
Teddy: The part I like the least is when we have to remove items - family items- that were left behind. Usually the items are left behind when families get evicted. Photos, clothes, dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, boxes and boxes of mementos...I can just imagine how much that had to hurt - to leave all this behind because they just couldn't take it with them.
Mackgurl: Aww man, that does sound awful. All of those keepsakes, memories, these families had to leave, knowing they would be thrown away...You know Teddy, you seem to me like a very caring man with a sensitive side. 
Teddy: (Chuckles) Yeah, guess I live up to my name.
Mackgurl: LOL indeed, indeed.  Teddy, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me tonight. Oh and don't forget to contact me when you get ready to start filming THE HOUSE THAT TEDDY BUILT for that home channel.
Teddy: LOL You are most welcome. It was my pleasure and I will definitely let you know about the TV show LOL
Mackgurl: Excellent! Okay, now you know how this last question for you - Teddy Masters, WHO ARE YOU?
Teddy: Who I am is simple. I am a man who has laughed, cried, and been put down but is still standing. A man who loves God first, a family man who will do anything in my power to help someone. A man who has loved and been loved. A man who's had his heart broken and who's broken a few hearts. But most importantly, I am a man who has morals, values and integrity. And I will not compromise them for anyone.

Well there you have it, Saints and A'ints... this installment of the WHO ARE YOU? series is complete. My sincere thanks to Mr. Teddy "Teddy Bear" Masters for allowing me to borrow him for this interview.

If you know someone who you think would make a good interview, what are you waiting for? Send me an email and tell me all about them.

Luv ya,


Who are you, "P"?

Hello there, Lovebugs! It's your girl Mackgurl here with another installment of my WHO ARE YOU? series. Today's guest is "P". She has agreed to let us take a quick peak into well, who she is and what she does.

Mackgurl: Hi P. Thank you so much for agreeing to sit with me today and for letting the Blogosphere take a peak into your life.

P: My pleasure.
Mackgurl: So P, tell us a bit about what you do...for work...I mean if you want to give us the 411 on some stuff you do in your free time, I'm happy to hear it LOL
P:  LOL hmmm well, I have been working in the medical field for about 15 years now and my current job title is Patient Navigation Associate. 
Mackgurl: Oooh so you're like a human GPS for patients.
P: LOL I never thought about it like that but yes, I suppose so. I meet and greet patients and visitors in a kind and compassionate manner. I assist them physically -  if they are in need of wheelchair assistance - and verbally with directions to their appointment locations, department or even where to go for coffee and food.
Mackgurl: WOW! So you're the lady with ALL the answers. Good stuff!
P: HAHA I don't know if I would say ALL of the answers but I will definitely do my best to make sure you get the most accurate information needed. I also train and work with our volunteers to ensure they are familiar with and current on procedures and policies. A key part of this is to make sure they are comfortable with talking to our patients. Talking to patients and visitors helps to establish a relationship. Even this brief connection is a great way to provide excellent customer service.
Mackgurl:  You're right! That does make for A-1 customer service. Your job sounds like an important one - tell me, what do you like most about what you do?
P: I would say meeting new people and providing assistance to those in need. I love to put a smile on someone's face.
Mackgurl: I know the feeling lol. Ok now would you say there's anything that you don't like about what you do? 
P: Hmm...nothing much about WHAT I do but maybe WHEN I do... for instance working on weekends and holidays. You don't know for sure when or if you're going to get a break. I understand though - patient care does not stick to a regular schedule.
Mackgurl: True true...Well thank you so muchfor taking the a quick moment to speak with me today and for letting us get a glimpse of what you do.
P: It was my pleasure, Mackgurl.
Mackgurl: Before I really let you go back to patient GPSing, lol...I have to ask you my favorite question of all of the questions -  WHO ARE YOU?
P:  I am a mother of 3 kids that I love so much. I'm a wife who enjoys being married and has been married for about 13 years now. I am a baker, a sister,  a singer, a dancer. I enjoy dressing up and changing my look from time to time. I am a church-going woman, a woman who enjoys helping those in need. I am a woman who loves life.

And just like that, guys and dolls, another installment of  my WHO ARE YOU? series is complete. If you are interested in letting us know about you, what you do, what makes you, well YOU, send me and email. I'm looking forward to asking you, WHO ARE YOU?



Hey Hey Hey. Guess what? I was have secured another guest for the WHO ARE YOU? series! Whoop Whoop!!! Exciting right? I knooooow!!! Get this - this week's guest's name is SHAFT!

Mackgurl: Good evening, Mr. Shaft.
Shaft: And hello to you baby, but it's just "Shaft".
Mackgurl: (Ooohh la la) Alright then, Shaft...
Shaft: Sho' yo' right
Mackgurl: LOL Well, thanks so much for joining me today and letting me borrow you for this interview.
Shaft: The pleasure is all mine.
Mackgurl: (Whoa, is he doing that caramel-coated chocolatey voice thing on purpose???) Ahem, alright well let's get right to it. So, what do you Shaft?
Shaft: That is a loaded question with many, many answers. You sure you can handle them?
Mackgurl: (Hmm, I, well, ooh...) LOL ok ok no seriously, tell us what you do?
Shaft: LOL alright, Mackgurl...I'm a retired Steward that enjoys life!
Mackgurl: A Steward? So tell our readers, what does a Steward do?
Shaft: Well I retired from the Merchant Marines... and a steward is like a chef but on a ship or an oil rig. They are in charge of the galley or in layman's terms the kitchen, lol. So a Steward does the menus, runs the galley crew and stuff like that.
Mackgurl: Oh wow!!! That sounds like that must have been super exciting. Was it? 
Shaft: Yeah, lol, it was definitely exciting and sometimes a little nerve wracking. Perhaps the scariest things about being a Merchant Marine are the possibility of pirates, suicides and dangerously bad weather. Just about every Merchant Marine can tell you a story about at least one of those 3 things. Ships that go missing during storms, never to be heard from again...But now, I fill my days with camping, hiking and traveling! I'm more focused on the things, accomplishments and adventures I have yet to do...
Mackgurl: Now that sounds like big fun! I'm sure you will have no problem finding some adventures to get into. So what would you say is the best thing about being retired?
Shaft: Hmm, that would have to be the fact that I have the freedom to do anything and everything I can imagine...
Mackgurl: Oooh I like that answer. Well, if your imagination is anything at all like mine, look out world LOL
Shaft: LOL Shut yo' mouth! Tell me about this imagination of yours.
Mackgurl: LOL oh no way, Shaft... this interview is about you, not me. As a matter of fact let's flip the question...what do you like the least about what you do now?
Shaft: That's easy -COVID. This virus is holding me back from doing a lot of things.
Mackgurl: Ugh! I know what you mean. I wish it would go just disappear as easily as it seemed to appear.
Shaft: I can dig it...
Mackgurl: Shaft, I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed our time together today. Now just one final question for you before you go and I think it's the most important one...WHO ARE YOU?
Shaft: It has definitely been fun hanging with you. As for me, I am a man that hasn't begun to really live yet... A regular guy that appreciates and loves life! I am a superhero - a superhero with no super power except the need to see everyone happy....Who am I? I am a man living in 2020 that belongs in the '80s.

Well there you have it,  Kings and Queens...another installment of the WHO ARE YOU? series. My thanks to Shaft for allowing me to borrow him for this interview.
If you know someone that you think would be a good interview - or you'd be interested in me interviewing you, speak up!! Send me an email.

~Hugs and kisses (virtually of course, lol)


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