Do you think black cats portend bad tidings? Are you triskaidekaphobic (fear of the number 13)? Growing up, I used to hear all sorts of things that were supposedly bad luck or could bring on something that you'd rather not, well, bring on. There was the one about walking under a ladder...or how many of you remember that little ditty about stepping on a crack and breaking your Mama's back? Yeah? I thought you might LOL I asked a few people about any superstitions that they may have heard/been told. Not all of them are omens of doom and gloom. Some are kinda funny and some you might even want to have happen. Like this first one: If palm of your left hand is itching, you're going to receive some money. Okay, that's a superstition that I can deal with. Now don't go rubbing your left hand on poison ivy to make your palm itchy to get money. The only thing you're going to do is end up with itchy palms that will spread and have you bathing in oatmeal and ch...
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