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How to Survive Airport Security

Stressful doesn't have to describe the airport security screening process. Here are a few tips to hopefully help you prepare for your next flight - be it business or pleasure:
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  1. Wear shoes that can be easily slipped off at check-in. You are going to have to remove your shoes at screening. It would take much less time and save you a lot of hassle if you are wearing flip-flops or sandals versus a pair of lace up high tops.
  2. Try to avoid wearing metal as much as possible. You are going to have to pass through a metal detector at airport screening. With the current state of the world, these metal detectors are probably a bit more sensitive than in years past. So before you leave the house/hotel, you may want to reconsider that under-wire bra that makes you look so, ahem - uplifted. And you might want to remove that body piercing that you have in your navel, eyebrow, lip, tongue and any other unmentionable places...that is unless you want to set off that metal detector and earn yourself a trip to a private security screening and a THOROUGH examination. Did I mention that latex gloves may be involved?
  3. Pack wisely. Most times, passengers are limited to one carry on bag and one personal item such as a purse or laptop case. Placing items such as mobile phones, keys, loose change and metal hair accessories in a clear plastic bag inside your carry on, can save you time when you have to pull these items out at the screening counter. Plus, it might save you the OMG moment of realizing that while you are sunbathing on the white sandy beaches of Waikiki - your brand new Apple IPhone G4 is hanging out in the bin at airport security in Omaha. Or worse, that smarmy guy that was behind you in line, just  - well, liberated it. 
  4. Leave all forbidden items at home. What forbidden items? Here's a few: ALL knives, scissors and other puncturing tools. Golf clubs, baseball bats and any other athletic equipment that may be used as a weapon are also forbidden. If you absolutely can't imagine going to Hawaii without your fave set of golf clubs, then please check these items. THEY ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE PLANE! But really, if you're going to Hawaii - can't you think of something else to do other than golf???
  5. Have a good attitude. This may be the best tip on the list. All passengers will be screened and should arrive prepared to be searched. Just remember that the airport security screener agents were hired to perform a much needed service. One way to keep the friendly skies friendly, is to make sure that the flight gets off to a good start - and that means ensuring passengers are not in a position to pose a potential in flight threat. Beyond, security screening agents are doing their jobs and in this economy, everyone needs their jobs.
  The captain as turned on the fasten seatbelt signs as we have been cleared for takeoff. Please make a final check to ensure your carry on bags are stored securely in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of- sorry, I always wanted to be a flight attendant.

Bon voyage,


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