So, this morning I was sitting out on the terrace overlooking the ocean sipping my jasmine green tea whena few news stories caught my attention. Maybe that's putting to dull a point on it. These stories made me say, aloud mind you, ARE YOU SERIOUS???
Here's a headline from that nearly made me spit out my perfectly brewed jasmine green tea "NYT: Clan could hold key to drug to stop Alzheimer's"
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? My first thoughts - The clan knows how to stop Alzheimer's but they aren't sharing?What? Is the government going to step in and demand that they turn over what they know about halting one of, if not the most, frightening diseases on record? How did they get this drug? How long have they had it? Does it work??
At this point, I am almost afraid of what I will read but I'm too curious not to click the link for the story. So, I click the link and discover that it is in fact about a clan - just not "the" clan. The story actually talks about a family or "clan", in Columbia, who is suffering from Alzheimer's. Before you say "sad, but so what?" A staggering number of family members are suffering from a form of the disease that is truly mean - early onset Alzheimer's. Doctors are theorizing that the family is genetically predisposed to this illness. We're talking about people in their late 30's, 40's - suffering this debilitating form of dementia. People suddenly thrust back to the stages of sheer and utter helplessness in some cases. This has been going on for years, decades - generations in this large family.
Now doctors think they may hold a clue to stopping this disease - by treating it before it starts - before the symptoms ever present themselves. How great would that be? I'm sure the research is years down the road but with all the advances currently being made in genetic testing - it shouldn't be too difficult to determine who's genetically predisposed to this disease. At which point, as-yet-to-be-determined prophylactic drug could be administered.
I wish the doctors much success and God's speed on determining a safe-viable drug. Hopefully, they will find it in time to save some of the suffering family members who might now be the missing puzzle piece.
To read the article, please visit:
Headline: "NYT: Some homeowners stop paying mortgages"
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? My first thoughts- HUH? They just STOP paying? You can do that? Just decide," I don't feel like paying this $$$ mortgage and I'm not going to pay it"? Really? Don't they put you out for that? Don't they have a group of people who ride around in SUVS and Pickups that roll up and repo your house for missing payments? You know, roll up after you've gone to work and put your house on a flatbed and roll it away? Hmm, maybe they only have a business like that for cars?

(light bulb moment business idea - DIBS! I called it first).
Well, it turns out they don't roll up on your house and haul it away - they don't even kick you out, padlock the doors/windows or even install a big hairy muscle-y dude to stand guard to make sure you can't enter. Turns out, in some states you can live in your house for months, YEARS after you quit your mortgage payments!?! I mean you're still technically in foreclosure, but so are THOUSANDS of other people. AND, with the right attorney, you can possibly stretch out your "mortgage-free" existence for a long, long time.
Now, before you march into your bank or call your mortgage company and say "hold your breath and wait on that next mortgage payment" - I suggest you read the article. You might live in one of the states where you are more likely to get booted and find yourself with a new address - 000 Skidrow Avenue, Homeless City, USA.
To read the article, please visit:
disclaimer/confession: I don't actually have a terrace view of the ocean - at least not yet. I do, however, have the jasmine green tea.
Here's a headline from that nearly made me spit out my perfectly brewed jasmine green tea "NYT: Clan could hold key to drug to stop Alzheimer's"
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? My first thoughts - The clan knows how to stop Alzheimer's but they aren't sharing?What? Is the government going to step in and demand that they turn over what they know about halting one of, if not the most, frightening diseases on record? How did they get this drug? How long have they had it? Does it work??
At this point, I am almost afraid of what I will read but I'm too curious not to click the link for the story. So, I click the link and discover that it is in fact about a clan - just not "the" clan. The story actually talks about a family or "clan", in Columbia, who is suffering from Alzheimer's. Before you say "sad, but so what?" A staggering number of family members are suffering from a form of the disease that is truly mean - early onset Alzheimer's. Doctors are theorizing that the family is genetically predisposed to this illness. We're talking about people in their late 30's, 40's - suffering this debilitating form of dementia. People suddenly thrust back to the stages of sheer and utter helplessness in some cases. This has been going on for years, decades - generations in this large family.
Now doctors think they may hold a clue to stopping this disease - by treating it before it starts - before the symptoms ever present themselves. How great would that be? I'm sure the research is years down the road but with all the advances currently being made in genetic testing - it shouldn't be too difficult to determine who's genetically predisposed to this disease. At which point, as-yet-to-be-determined prophylactic drug could be administered.
I wish the doctors much success and God's speed on determining a safe-viable drug. Hopefully, they will find it in time to save some of the suffering family members who might now be the missing puzzle piece.
To read the article, please visit:
Headline: "NYT: Some homeowners stop paying mortgages"
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? My first thoughts- HUH? They just STOP paying? You can do that? Just decide," I don't feel like paying this $$$ mortgage and I'm not going to pay it"? Really? Don't they put you out for that? Don't they have a group of people who ride around in SUVS and Pickups that roll up and repo your house for missing payments? You know, roll up after you've gone to work and put your house on a flatbed and roll it away? Hmm, maybe they only have a business like that for cars?
(light bulb moment business idea - DIBS! I called it first).
Well, it turns out they don't roll up on your house and haul it away - they don't even kick you out, padlock the doors/windows or even install a big hairy muscle-y dude to stand guard to make sure you can't enter. Turns out, in some states you can live in your house for months, YEARS after you quit your mortgage payments!?! I mean you're still technically in foreclosure, but so are THOUSANDS of other people. AND, with the right attorney, you can possibly stretch out your "mortgage-free" existence for a long, long time.
Now, before you march into your bank or call your mortgage company and say "hold your breath and wait on that next mortgage payment" - I suggest you read the article. You might live in one of the states where you are more likely to get booted and find yourself with a new address - 000 Skidrow Avenue, Homeless City, USA.
To read the article, please visit:
disclaimer/confession: I don't actually have a terrace view of the ocean - at least not yet. I do, however, have the jasmine green tea.
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