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Disordered Personalities

Okay so this is a repost. No, I'm not going to flake and NOT make a new post today. But I was reading through my blog and had to post this one more time...

No matter where you work, you will come into contact with all different sorts of people and personalities. This is also true of schools and civic organizations. Take a look at this list...recognize anyone from your own personal interactions? 

  1.  Pleaser – This type is always ready with a smile to do whatever is matter how big or small or demoralizing the task. They are always bubbly, never a cross word for anyone. Beware of this type - they are usually up to something or have a secret agenda. I mean really - no one is THAT nice all the time.
  2. Goody Two Shoes – This type never gets in trouble. I mean never! Not that they don’t do plenty that would qualify as trouble. No, they will do whatever they have to do to ensure their name remains free and clear of all work place detritus. They are not above stretching the truth (lying), avoidance or passing the blame.
  3. Brain – This type always seems to know…EVERYTHING. No matter the subject, this person has the answers. This includes how you should do your job and how you should spend your free time. If you're getting married, they even know which wedding dress YOU should buy and where you should go for your honeymoon.
  4. Computer Whiz – This personality doesn't necessarily work in your IT department but could very well get a job working for a private investigator. Their skills are just THAT good! Need something located online? This person can sleuth it out. Need someone's pass employment history in Fiji or  how many times they were arrested in college? – child’s play for this person.
  5. Club Diva – This person has taken the dress code and completely shucked it out the proverbial window. Stilettos, fishnets, micro-minis and SPANDEX are all staples for the diva’s 9-5 wardrobe. Makes sense – why be slowed down in your progress to the club by having to stop at home and change? Right? 
  6. Superhero – No, this person does not come to work in tights with a magic lasso (man, if she ever does, I'm taking pics) but she is a wonder, nonetheless. This type of woman seems to be able to split herself between many different aspects – work, home, school, social, church – you name it and she’s probably involved (as long as it’s legal). You haven’t quite figured out how she manages to juggle all these activities but you would love to know her secret. You’re convinced she’s an alien or at best never sleeps.   
  7. Granola – This personality type brings to mind words like earthy and is often seen in long flowing skirts/dresses. She usually brings her lunch, recycles, reads tons of books (just because), writes poetry in their spare time and may even play the guitar.     
  8. Vampire – Not to be confused with a Goth This personality type is emotionally draining. Always with a sad story to tell you so that you can boost them up – which inevitably drains away some of your life force.  After all, it's all about them, right? Takes energy to keep yourself afloat now you have to constantly bolster this person too? Before you know it you’re dragging, failing to get work done on time and are starting to look haggard. You think you must be sick, but then you remember how this person was in your office complaining about her life…AGAIN                     
  9. Chameleon – This personality type can and will take on the characteristics of any of the aforementioned personality types. Ms. Goody Two Shoes may come in one day as the Club Diva. They can morph easily from one type to another in order to blend in with their surrounding environment.
  10. Chimera -  Outwardly, they may present as a Club diva and maybe you don’t take her as seriously as you would say a computer whiz…but inwardly she’s actually a computer-whizzing-brainy-wonder-woman capable of – well just about everything! This type is dangerous because you just never know. 

Now my question to you, Ladies and Gents, which one or ones are YOU??!??


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