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Showing posts from 2016

Best List Ever

Hey! I was talking with some folks at the office about things our grandparents/aunts/uncles/parents used to say that just stuck with us. Some of those things were funny – okay all of them were hilarious. Some,  we still aren’t sure what they mean – didn’t make them any less funny, though. Here's a list of those funnies that I hope will keep growing. Enjoy!!! Best List Ever!!!          Him/her didn’t pretty none. (Make sure you say “huh” for “her” )          I be Jim Squinchie. (If you’re really Jim Squinchie feel free to say whenever. Otherwise, use in place of a cursed exclamation)          I will be John Brown (see above )          Don’t make me show you where the hogs are in the buckwheat. (Use this when someone is being less than smart)          Crazy as a best bug or Crazy as a betsey bug. (No idea what a best or betsey bug is, but that’s ...

Can hardly wait for this!!!

Okay, so I've seen ALL of the Star Wars movies. Some, admittedly, were better than others. So imagine my surprise (okay and unmitigated delight) when I saw that another Star Wars movie was being released - already!!! This one is a story from LucasFlims. My understanding that it tells the story of a group geting together with hopes of getting the Death Star plans.  Seems like a quick turnaround since Star Wars: A Force Awakens for another Star Wars movie, but I'm certainly not complaining. I believe Forrest Whittaker is in this one (yay!!) and I'm almost certain I saw Donnie Yen (DOUBLE YAY!!!) ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY - COMING DECEMBER 2016


One of my fave responses when someones tells me something that I wholeheartedly agree with TRUTH!!! Some very well-known documents have this notion of  TRUTH(s) in them. In the Declaration of Independence, there is a line quoted to Thomas Jefferson that is chock full of truths about equality, rights - don't believe me?  Check it out: But that isn't what this post is about exactly. The list I have for you is full of truths - many that are pretty evident. Some, I'm sure you have already experienced for yourself. If not, just wait on it. TRUTHS Ladies - when you wear your white dress/skirt/pants/shorts your body will decide that day would be a good day to start your time of the month. Fellas - when you wear your brand new kicks, you know the ones that you stood inline all day to buy? Someone will step on them after stepping in every mud hole they can find. The girl/guy you are crushi...


According to , a quirk is a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism"  an idiosyncrasy is "a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual" and a habit is "an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary". (please see for complete definitions) Why the English lesson? Well, I'm going to tell you a little bit more about myself.   I am a pretty laid back person but I have noticed some things that I do that seem to fit the above definitions. Some are non-negotiable.  I'm talking real deal breakers here. So yeah - I have a few quirks, habits and idiosyncrasies. You probably have a few. Okay, I'm fairly certain that you have some. Here's a peek into my own personal habits, quirks and idiosyncrasies: When dealing with a loaf of bread, I do not eat the ends. I detest when cabinet doors, closet doors, bathroom doors are...

Movie Mania

Ah movies...between them and books, I'm not sure which I enjoy more. My taste in films run the gamut but horror, sci-fi and action are usually somewhere in my top ten. Here are few movies that I can't wait to see: IN THEATERS NOW COMING SOON NOT COMING SOON ENOUGH

Let's Get Ready to Go!

I'm a planner by nature.   Bills  planned out through the end of this year. Will I have to make changes?  Uh, with my life - that's a given.  Now, I realize things don't always go according to plan ( read - ALMOST NEVER ) but I still like to have a plan for that moment when things decide to go south (and they will, trust me) .  But I like to be prepared I'm not exactly a conspiracy theorist ( that's another post ) but a few experiences have led me to the conclusion that it doesn't hurt to be as ready as possible. Am I talking about an alien invasion? I mean, I could but - hmm, maybe I will...later. But for now, let's think natural disasters - hurricanes, fires, etc. Or some other event that causes those annoying beeps from the emergency broadcast system in the middle of your TGIT popcorn and wine night  to actually be followed by the robotic voice telling you to SCRAM! KICK ROCKS! RUN FOR THE HILLS! EVAC! EVAC! EVAC! Okay so...
Well, Super Bowl 50 is in the books, folks. Congrats to Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos.  The game was alright but I was really waiting around for the commercials! Here are a few of my faves: Oh and there's this one from PETA touting the benefits of being a vegan..but it's a little, well, let's just say at LEAST PG-13. I don't think it aired during the super bowl. Actually, I thnk it was banned for being too racy . Wanna see? You will have to check that one out for yourself (smile)

Let's Party!

The biggest game of the NFL season is this Sunday. Now, be ye a Panthers fan or a Broncos fan, we can agree that a party is in order. I have a few must haves and personal faves for a Super Bowl Party.  Hot Wings - the hotter the better Ranch Dip - for the blazing hot wings, of course  Hot Dogs  (and fixings) Chips and Salsa Nacho Cheese Dip - this is a must have. No really, folks show up looking for this stuff. LOL Deviled Eggs - YAASSSSS!!! Drinks - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic (unless you don't have to work on Monday morning) Sweets - yeah, just need SOMETHING preferably a CHOCOLATEY SOMETHING Fruit/Cheese/Veggie Tray That's pretty much what my menu will be for Sunday. I talked to a few people and they are basically having Sunday dinner leftovers. That works, too. I mean I wouldn't turn down ribs, macaroni and cheese and collard greens at a SB Party!  I'm thinking about throwing in this dish that has some shrimp and Andouille sausage. Can put i...

Look before you eat...

Hello folks! This is NOT the Super Bowl party snack post. (check back tomorrow for that one). But it is related to food (smile) This post is a cautionary tale about food - specifically MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR FOOD BEFORE YOU EAT IT! A friend and coworker of mine visited an establishment who was offering FREE bagels today. How wonderful! I really enjoy bagels from this particular restaurant. And who doesn't like. FREE, right?Well, imagine her surprise when she reached into her a bag for delightful wheel of bready goodness and finds a little something extra: The heck is THAT??!?!?!! What do you think this something extra is? (no, I'm not talking about the raisin) Look closely at the top of the bagel. Do you see those tawny colored rope-y looking things? I was hoping it was a piece of the paper bag the company put her FREE bagels in. But honestly, she I both had the same thought - "It looks like strands of WEAVE/BRAID EXTENSIONS!!!" GASP! My buddy was not ...

Super Bowl 50

It's almost time for the SUPER BOWL!!! Let me start by saying that the team I was actually routing for will not be making an appearance in this Sunday's game - but there's always next year. Besides, I'm quite pleased with this year's combatants? What? Of course they are combatants - it's going to be a battle!!! This isn't a game of RED ROVER or HOPSCOTCH!! This is the pinnacle of the GRIDIRON GAUNTLET - a battle forgered in 6 weeks (17 if you count the bye week) of skirmishes, combats, injuries, victories and defeats. I, for one, cannot wait!!! So who you got? The CAROLINA PANTHERS (15-1) or the DENVER BRONCOS (12-4)??? Will it be Carolina's QB Cam Newton raising the Vince Lombardi Trophy on Sunday night? If so, he will become the 2nd player to win the Heisman, National Title, MVP and then of course the Super Bowl. Or will it be Denver's QB Peyton Manning raising the Vince Lombardi Trophy in victory? If so, he will have 2 Super Bowl rings - th...

Don't quote me on this...

I don't know about you but I enjoy a good quote or saying.  A few years back, I did a post titled "Oh the things people say" . It's a short post listing a few of some one liners I'd come acroos from various sources - movies, books, office (lol) Over the years, I've jotted down a few. Unfortunately, I only remember hearing most of these and can't even imagine where some originated. So, here's my list. Some of these are classice and I'm sure you've heard of them but there are a few family faves and some rather obscure ones on the list, too. If you have some faves of our own, drop them in the comments below. Oh and if you know who said what from list, then please leave a comment below so I can "give credit where credit is due" (hahaha see what I did there?) 1. "With great power, comes great responsibility." 2. "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice." 3. "The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune."...

Where have you been, Mackgurl!!!??

Good question - where has Mackgurl been!!?? Honestly, I feel like I have been from Heaven to HADES and back quite a few times over the last nearly 2 years. There have been some really really really (okay you get the point, right) low points. Some, I'm not even sure how I have come out on the other side of Annnd there have been some out of this world fantastic moments too (not enough of these) but here I am.  I have no idea right now what direction this "new" me is going to take this blog but as always, I hope you enjoy the adventure!