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Best List Ever

Hey! I was talking with some folks at the office about things our grandparents/aunts/uncles/parents used to say that just stuck with us. Some of those things were funny – okay all of them were hilarious. Some,  we still aren’t sure what they mean – didn’t make them any less funny, though. Here's a list of those funnies that I hope will keep growing. Enjoy!!!

Best List Ever!!!

  •         Him/her didn’t pretty none. (Make sure you say “huh” for “her” )
  •         I be Jim Squinchie. (If you’re really Jim Squinchie feel free to say whenever. Otherwise, use in place of a cursed exclamation)
  •         I will be John Brown (see above )
  •         Don’t make me show you where the hogs are in the buckwheat. (Use this when someone is being less than smart)
  •         Crazy as a best bug or Crazy as a betsey bug. (No idea what a best or betsey bug is, but that’s the point. It’s CRAZY!!!)
  •         Stop hollerin’ like a panna (No idea except it must be loud and perhaps annoying. I asked my grandmother what a panna was. Her reply, it’s a panna. So, nuff said)
  •         Good God I reckon! (Really, this needs no explanation.)
  •         Great day in the morning, John! (Again, no real explanation needed here – except who is John? )
  •         Law…(be sure to drawl this out good and long. This is used in terms of exasperation)
  •         Gracha dow (No idea exactly what this one means. But I’m guessing it’s something like Gracious Day but just said much better J)
  •         Caca maca (This is our first international addition. Told it means something along the lines of Bullsh*t. So be careful using this one.)
  •         My galushee mooshee! (Another exclamatory phrase that loosely translated means Oh my goodness!)
  •         I will not be manipadipped. (This is courtesy of Madea – specifically, Mr. Brown. No, not John Brown. Anyway, it means You will not fool me. I will not be manipulated.)
  •         Don’t eat the seed corn  (Each year when the corn is harvested the farmer must save some of the corn as seed corn to plant for the next growing cycle. If you eat the seed corn, then you don’t have anything to plant to live on. In other words, make sure you have something saved up. Don’t use up all your resources.)
  •         Mudda Sick! (it’s an exclamatory statement. If you say it right – at the right moment, trust me, you won’t need any further explanation J)

So there you have it. The first of many (at least I hope so) installments of things people say. If you have some more that you want to add to the list, please let me know. And be sure you sprinkle these liberally in your everyday vernacular. Won’t it be fun and wild when you hear someone else utter these phrases – AND YOU DON’T KNOW THEM PERSONALLY !!??! It will be EPIC!!!


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