I'm a planner by nature. Bills planned out through the end of this year. Will I have to make changes? Uh, with my life - that's a given. Now, I realize things don't always go according to plan (read - ALMOST NEVER) but I still like to have a plan for that moment when things decide to go south (and they will, trust me). But I like to be prepared
I'm not exactly a conspiracy theorist (that's another post) but a few experiences have led me to the conclusion that it doesn't hurt to be as ready as possible. Am I talking about an alien invasion? I mean, I could but - hmm, maybe I will...later. But for now, let's think natural disasters - hurricanes, fires, etc. Or some other event that causes those annoying beeps from the emergency broadcast system in the middle of your TGIT popcorn and wine night to actually be followed by the robotic voice telling you to SCRAM! KICK ROCKS! RUN FOR THE HILLS! EVAC! EVAC! EVAC! Okay so it will probably be a lot more calm than that - but I promise that's what I will hear.
So I've prepared a Go Bag. This bag is packed and ready just in case things go left - hit the fan - you get the point, right?
What's in my GO BAG?
- Few bottles of water
- Granola bars, gum, nonperishable food
- can opener
- flashlight
- batteries
- small first aid kit
- whistle - in case I need to signal for some help
- cash - not alot but just in case the ATMs are down. Cash will be king if this happens
- emergency contact numbers - family/friends
- cell phone - not technically in bag but I almost always have this on me anyway. Ask my friends they will tell you, lol
- complete change of clothes - think layers and think sturdy
- baby wipes
- poncho
- small blanket
*Try to pick a bag that doesn't attract a lot of attention. A nondescript back pack or large tote bag/purse.
There are a few more things that I would like to have for my bag - passport, map, copies of deeds, extra set of car keys and a few other things. I will work on this, though. You should too. Be prepared...
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