I have always believed that if you live long enough you will learn many many things. Some good, some not so good and some downright awful. Either way, those things you learn it's up to you what you do with that knowledge. You can use it to help someone, help the world-at-large (say for instance you learn how to IDK make/utilize something that helps with pollution IDK but you know what I mean, lol) Or you can use it help/better yourself.
Oh come on, there are tons of self-help gurus and books and videos and classes, etc. that you can visit/read/watch/attend that are slated to help you, well, BETTER YOURSELF. And why not? unless you're a complete NARCISSIST, who doesn't want to be a better version of themselves? It helps not only you but the people that you grace with your presence 😁
Sometimes though, these things you learn...these LESSONS...aren't always pleasant. You may find out things about yourself that you weren't aware of, things that you can choose to either work on or ignore. Regardless, it's a good chance for some self-reflection. Today, I had just such a LESSON. What did I learn? Well, I learned that life is not a mirror and that people don't always see you as you see yourself. Sometimes their image is distorted in the mirror and sometimes it's what we see that seems blurred. Also learned that some things that I thought I had a handle on, some things that I thought I'd managed to shield myself from, nah not so much.
I am grateful, though...for this LESSON and all the LESSONS to come. It wasn't fun and didn't feel great but at least now I know...that I can still cry.

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