A house built with straw
A house built with sticks
We know how the story goes
Quickly thrown together
A few flowers, a few kisses, a few sweet words
And then the wolf takes a deep breath
A house built with straw
A house built with sticks
We know how the story goes
The wolf begins to blow
Exhaling puffs of anger, huffs of misunderstandings
Stirring your hurt feelings and making you run
A house built with straw
A house built with sticks
Is no match for a house built with bricks
It's foundation is strong
Built on friendship, laughter
Spending time together, learning one another
It can withstand a hurricane of tears
It can withstand the tides of raised voices
A shelter from the huffs of disappointments
But it takes more time to build
It takes more care, more effort
Ensuring that the foundation is set
A house built with straw
A house built with sticks
A house built with bricks
We know how the story goes
Now, which house do you prefer?
And which house will you choose to build?

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