So the other day, I was trying to find my way around this new city I moved to. Sounds like fun, right? And I have to admit that for the most part it has been. It has not been without incident. Like the time I was trying to find a laundromat - supposedly 5 minutes from my house...20 minutes later I was still looking. (Never did find that place...ended up buying a washer and dryer instead LOL) Still, there have been fun times - finding short cuts and little out of the way places. There have also been a few times that I have been a little hmmm not quite scared (okay maybe a little bit) but freaked out. I was on my way home from work and my favorite GPS app decided to send me on a new route home. And I went with it - mainly because I wasn't familiar enough with how to get home yet - several winding roads (back roads), no signs, lots of trees and very few people (even though I felt like I was being watched). I tried to laugh it off and then I looked out the window and saw this... ...
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