Heyyyy!! I am on a roll - ok not a HUGE roll...maybe more like a small dinner roll... š¤Anywho, I have another interview for my new series WHO ARE YOU? Tonight's guest is Dexter. Yep, that's it - just Dexter...a man with only one name...
Mackgurl: Good evening, Mr. Dexter.
Mr. Dexter: Good evening and it's just Dexter.
Mackgurl: Okaaayyy Dexter. Pleasure to meet you. So tell me, what do you do?
Dexter: I am a payroll specialist.
Mackgurl: Nice! So you're who people call on when there's a problem or something that they want to change for a company's payroll department? I bet there are tons of reports. Am I close?
Dexter: Yes, to a certain extent. My job includes prelim and final benefits and payroll reports, allocation of funds, creating/reviewing spreadsheets (I knew itš) all in keeping in line with state and federal guidelines and policies.
Mackgurl: How long have you been doing this job?
Dexter: Two months
Mackgurl: Oh okay so still in the honeymoon stage as it were.
Dexter: LOL yes, that's right.
Mackgurl: What do you like most about what you do?
Dexter: The opportunity for growth and advancement are very strong here.
Mackgurl: Ahhh have your eye on a corner office? Your own division? Hmmm??? Sheesh you will need a decent size desk for that office. You're fairly tall? What, 6'1?
Dexter: LOL, 6'2
Mackgurl: Ahhh so not going to touch on the desire for that corner office, huh? Alright, Alright, we'll let that one go...for now LOL So what do you like least about your job?
Dexter: Hmm, the thing that I like the least is the over abundance of systems. At times, it can make a simple - or what could be simple - process very complicated. This is time consuming for the specialist, as well as the customer.
Mackgurl: Gotcha. Why have 12 systems that you have to communicate with, in sequence, for something easily handled with say, 3?
Dexter: Exactly!
Mackgurl: Well, it certainly sounds like you have a clear handle on your new position as a payroll specialist. Heck, you already have ideas on how to streamline the processes! I'm sure that corner office will be yours in no time *wink*
Dexter: LOL, you're something else
Mackgurl: So they tell me, so they tell me. Seriously though, I want to thank you so much for letting me borrow you for this interview. I truly appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today.
Dexter: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Mackgurl: NowI have one more question before you go...but it's the one question that I and my readers really want to have you answer...WHO ARE YOU?
Dexter: Who am I? That's a great question. I am a father...a man...a lover...and a true friend.
Mackgurl: Very nice...
Well there you have it dudes and dudettes..the third installment of the WHO ARE YOU? series. My thanks to Dexter for letting me borrow him for this interview.
If you know someone who you think would be a good interview - or heck, if you'd like me to interview you, drop me a line at mackgurl@gmail.com.
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