Hola... Sigh - I'm writing to you today from jail, prison, lock up, the slammer, the clink...ok so you may know it by any of these names. For me, I call it...THE CAGE. It's where you get sent when you do ba- err stuff the people would rather you not to do...and get caught (smile). The severity of the infraction or the recurrence of such infractions determines your sentence length. Hmm, guess that's how it works for people, too eh? Except for one key diferencia... I don't get a lawyer or a trial. Nope. No jury of my peers. Guilty and... THE CAGE.
So what was the charge this time? Well, mi gente already know how much I like to eat. My food, your food, people food, whatever. As long as it's food and I like it, I want to eat it. Side-note: There's nothing better than people food 😛 So, mi persona gave me something he called a candy cane. Have you had this? Aye Dios Mio!It was sooooooo good! First, he let me sample it. He told me not to bite it but a small piece somehow broke off in my mouth. I tell you, my little teeth hadn't been that busy in along time and my mouth was soooooo happy, too! Then there was another sweet treat on a stick. He called this a lollipop. Mi persona tasted it but made a face like it was not tasty at all. He wrapped back up and left it...within my line of sight👀 Now granted, he did not say "Oscar, you can have this" but he didn't say I couldn't either. And clearly, he did not want it. So, I helped myself...ANNNNNDDDDD got caught crunching on the sugary, tasty, forbidden goodness. Next thing I know, the judge ruled, swung the gavel and sent me to...THE CAGE.
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