Hello, blogoverse! How's everyone doing? Great, I hope :) Me? I'm doing great! So nice of you to ask (smile) With all that's going on in the world today, I'm always on the lookout for, well a distraction. Just something that might take my thoughts on a journey or better yet, make me laugh. Heck - why not both at the same time?! Annnnd you already know about my imagination, right? (see past post for reference) Any who, I was in the store the other day looking around at hunting and fishing stuff (yep, ya gurl has been fishing...hunting? Not so much, yet?) So I'm walking down the aisle looking at stuff for hunting and fishing - typical nature activity kinda things and then I look up and see an alien. Ok maybe not an alien actually it kinda made me think of a snake or insect. Hybrid? But this was no regular degular hybrid alien-insect-snake...Nah, this one had swag, attitude even. Don't believe me? Check this out... Look at him! It's like I walked by and he l...
Welcome to the word of Mackgurl! A world full of musings, facts, fun and just stuff that interests me. Hopefully, it will interest you, too. So feel free to share links to the website but do not copy without credit.