Out of the blue, you appeared in my life...
Am I crazy?
Like the sun, peeking from the clouds after a storm
So bright, you seemed to glow and radiate such warmth.
In your presence, well...
I feel your care, your VOICE, your SMILE...
How can I possibly feel your VOICE?! How can I feel your SMILE?!
Am I crazy?
When I'm with you, well...
I hear your heart, I hear your EYES...
I hear your EYES!
Am I crazy?!
I thought that if I admitted...
At least to myself, that I liked you - a little, it would help.
But, no, I still feel your SMILE caressing my lips - when I'm alone.
Maybe I am crazy?
I figured if I admitted...
At least to myself, that I liked you more than a little, that would be enough.
But no, I can still feel your VOICE surrounding me - when I'm alone.
OH GOD, I must be crazy?!!
I hoped that if I admitted...
At least to myself, that I love you - a little, it would stop these crazies!
But no, I can still hear your EYES talking to me - when I'm alone.
So today, I stand before you, these words, my confession...
I can no longer deny the truth...I have fallen madly in love with you...
It was the only way to save my sanity.
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