Alright so those who know me know that I am a big horror
movie fan. I love watching them but end up terrified of them at the same time,
lol. The best is when you watch them in a crowded theater, you know on the
first weekend that it comes out (before folks have time to spoil it). It’s
packed, dark and everyone is wide-eyed – ok some are probably squinting and/or
peering from behind their hands – but everyone is just waiting for SOMETHING to
happen. The anticipation, the fear is almost palpable as we wait …for the
SLASHER to, well slash someone.
Or better yet – the inevitable scene where the young pretty girl hears a noise in her house – a house that she’s home alone in, BTWs – and she decides to go INVESTIGATE the noise. MAAAANNNN, the audience almost in unison laments the folly of her actions (LOL – who wrote that? LMAO). We are all like "GIRRRLLL, NOOOO!!! Have you never SEEN a horror flick?” Followed shortly by “Yep, she’s dead” Wonder if that’s why the writers put those scenes in? Just because they KNOW how we will react?
Right now, I’m binge-watching HANNIBAL…TV series that is an adaptation that’s supposed to take placed before the name Dr. Hannibal Lecter became synonymous with cannibalistic serial killers. He was actually a psych DR…a psych DR who counseled others while killing people and turning their body parts into plates worthy of 5-star chef! During a commercial break, I started to ponder what diagnosis Dr. Lecter had– no really, that’s all it takes for me to start wondering. So of course, I looked it up. My search took me to this school’s website about their psych program. Turns out, they have a class that students watch, study and diagnosis serial killers in movies!! Can you imagine? Going to class and watching Michael Myers, Freddie Krueger, Jason Vorhees and of course Dr. Hannibal Lecter, for the purpose of diagnosing them?? They even gave a different spin on ZOMBIES!!
Hmmm...Don’t think I want to get a degree in psychology but I have to admit, that class would be epic!!!

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