"All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely players;"
Fairly famous quote...but I'm not sure I have the wording exactly right. But it was said by William Shakespeare in his work "As You Like It". I will look up the exact quote in a sec. So yeah, we are all players (no not THAT kind of player) but actors. Every last one of you/us. No no don't argue with me. You are an actor in the play of life. Problem is, some people don't know their roles...but let's chat about that later.
Actors - wear costumes, wigs, play roles, learn lines. Still not seeing the connection? Okay, check this out. Each day - for the most part - we put on our COSTUME for the day. I don't care what career you're in or where you are on your career path (college/university, trade school...), there's a costume and you don it every day. Some are more obvious that others:
Police Officer Solider
Fireman/woman Pilot Doctor
Flight Attendant Nurse
Garbage Man - excuse me Sanitation Engineer
You see it now right? COSTUMES! Just like the actors. They put them on and follow the script determined by their chosen profession. The costumes are pretty recognizable which means it's pretty clear what role in the play these "actors" have, right? But other roles - other costumes - are not so easy to recognize:
Wife Teacher Administrative Assistant Girlfriend Husband Lawyer Sister Engineer Nanny Other woman Sister Friend Other man Brother Designer Lover Mother Personal Assistant Enemy
Father Software Developer Boyfriend
Father Software Developer Boyfriend
And of course there are others. At any rate, they all have ROLES - lines to learn and parts to be played. Some are villains and thieves while others are saviors and angels. Even though they may have a certain role, some forget who they are supposed to be. That's when problems can arise. Good workers start slacking off and then they have to take on a new role - UNEMPLOYED. Or when someone forgets that they are a law abiding citizen and starts to commit some crimes. They get a new role, too - CRIMINAL and in some cases there roles are upgraded to CONVICT.
What about when people who have never played a role decide that they need to tell someone how to play their part. Maybe they think they are ACTING COACHES??? For instance, when someone who's never been married or has been divorced 6 times tries to teach you how to be a good wife/husband. (You can't see my side-eye here but believe me, it's there, lol)
Alright, so there you have it. Everyone wears COSTUMES and everyone has ROLES - sounds pretty actor-ish to me. Feel free to disagree - who am I to stop you playing your ROLE of dissenter😜
Oh and the quote was right 😁 It's from Shakespeare's As You Like It, Act II Scene VII
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