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Showing posts from May, 2017


  "All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely players;"   Fairly famous quote...but I'm not sure I have the wording exactly right. But it was said by William Shakespeare in his work "As You Like It".  I will look up the exact quote in a sec. So yeah, we are all players (no not THAT kind of player) but actors. Every last one of you/us. No no don't argue with me. You are an actor in the play of life. Problem is, some people don't know their roles...but let's chat about that later. Actors - wear costumes, wigs, play roles, learn lines. Still not seeing the connection? Okay, check this out. Each day - for the most part - we put on our COSTUME for the day. I don't care what career you're in or where you are on your career path (college/university, trade school...), there's a costume and you don it every day. Some are more obvious that others: Police Officer               ...