Oh the things you see when you're out walking. Case in point, check this out.... Sitting all alone in the grass? What do you suppose he's doing there? Got tired of walking and took a break? Waiting on a friend? Meditating? (okay, so I thought maybe this when I first saw him) NOPE!! Turns out it's a statue! Pretty cool, huh? (Sidenote: I am really digging the camera on my mobile phone. Takes really great crisp clear pictures. Seriously, just point and shoot! No muss, no fuss. Okay before this turns into a plug for a mobile device 😃...) So not a man reflecting on the days spent and the days yet to come. Not a man who just said, "whew, it's too hot and I'm too tired to keep walking...not someone down on their luck seeking monetary blessing (though it does appear that someone bestowed upon him a few coins...interesting...) A statue! I bet this statue had quite a few people thinking it was an actual person...at least from the rear angle. Someone...
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