One of my fave responses when someones tells me something that I wholeheartedly agree with TRUTH!!! Some very well-known documents have this notion of TRUTH(s) in them. In the Declaration of Independence, there is a line quoted to Thomas Jefferson that is chock full of truths about equality, rights - don't believe me? Check it out: But that isn't what this post is about exactly. The list I have for you is full of truths - many that are pretty evident. Some, I'm sure you have already experienced for yourself. If not, just wait on it. TRUTHS Ladies - when you wear your white dress/skirt/pants/shorts your body will decide that day would be a good day to start your time of the month. Fellas - when you wear your brand new kicks, you know the ones that you stood inline all day to buy? Someone will step on them after stepping in every mud hole they can find. The girl/guy you are crushi...
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