Hello world!
For those of you who don't know (and let's face it, some of you don't care) I have gone back to school. No, not because of downsizing but out of deep-seeded need to finish what I started. Long and somewhat painful story short, I find myself in the untenable position of being anolder adult non-traditional student. Which basically means, that I have all the responsibilities of a college student and the added bonuses of being a wife, mom and full-time career woman. (Whew, made me tired just typing that).
I've been trying to finish for a little while now. You know, taking a few hours here and there but last semester I got serious. I took 17 hours! A full-time + 5 hour load. INSANITY. But, I made it through with shining colors and all of my hair intact (smile) So, I figured, if I could do it once, surely I could do it again. I registered for 15 hours this semester - naturally thinking the reduction of 2 hours would ease the load (lol). Wrong! This semester was soooo much harder than the Fall. Why? One of the classes required a 100 hour internship in addition to the class work (and my wife, mom and career woman duties). But perhaps larger than that was the fact that I was enrolled in a Trig/Algebra math class and a Biochemistry class - BOTH ONLINE. That means that basically, you have to teach yourself. Ugh!
All things considered, I managed really well. At the midterm point, I was holding on to my 4.0 (fist pump ala Tiger Woods!)
Fast forward a few weeks and we arrive at FINALS! Stressed seems like such a mild word for what I was feeling a scant week ago. I had 3 papers to write (total of 30 pages), a portfolio to create and infrastructure policies and procedures and formulas for both chem and math to memorize. So I finished the papers, took the infrastructure final but the math formulas were sticking to my tired brain about as well as if it was pretreated with PAM ! So what did I do? I prayed...a lot. Cried a little and ultimately, called my mother long distance.
Me: "Ma, I really don't want to take this test. The math formulas won't stick...my brain is made of Teflon!"
Mom: "It will be fine. Just relax and do your best. You studied. You prayed. You're covered."
Me: "Ugh! *checking my email* I really don't want to take this tes- AGHHHHHHHHH"
Mom: "Scream, baby. Let the tension out"
Me: "No wait, Ma... *hyperventilating while reading the email that just came in* I just - got an email - saying - that - Idris - Elba is now following me on TWITTER!!!"
I took that thought and that knowledge that Idris Elba was following me on TWITTER and stepped up and took that math test with no problem! Ok, so I didn't remember all the formulas but I did remember IDRIS ELBA. Which helped me to relax tremendously!

By the way, I got an "A" in Math! Prayer works! Thanks Twitter and of course thanks to IDRIS ELBA!!!
For those of you who don't know (and let's face it, some of you don't care) I have gone back to school. No, not because of downsizing but out of deep-seeded need to finish what I started. Long and somewhat painful story short, I find myself in the untenable position of being an
I've been trying to finish for a little while now. You know, taking a few hours here and there but last semester I got serious. I took 17 hours! A full-time + 5 hour load. INSANITY. But, I made it through with shining colors and all of my hair intact (smile) So, I figured, if I could do it once, surely I could do it again. I registered for 15 hours this semester - naturally thinking the reduction of 2 hours would ease the load (lol). Wrong! This semester was soooo much harder than the Fall. Why? One of the classes required a 100 hour internship in addition to the class work (and my wife, mom and career woman duties). But perhaps larger than that was the fact that I was enrolled in a Trig/Algebra math class and a Biochemistry class - BOTH ONLINE. That means that basically, you have to teach yourself. Ugh!
All things considered, I managed really well. At the midterm point, I was holding on to my 4.0 (fist pump ala Tiger Woods!)
Fast forward a few weeks and we arrive at FINALS! Stressed seems like such a mild word for what I was feeling a scant week ago. I had 3 papers to write (total of 30 pages), a portfolio to create and infrastructure policies and procedures and formulas for both chem and math to memorize. So I finished the papers, took the infrastructure final but the math formulas were sticking to my tired brain about as well as if it was pretreated with PAM ! So what did I do? I prayed...a lot. Cried a little and ultimately, called my mother long distance.
Me: "Ma, I really don't want to take this test. The math formulas won't stick...my brain is made of Teflon!"
Mom: "It will be fine. Just relax and do your best. You studied. You prayed. You're covered."
Me: "Ugh! *checking my email* I really don't want to take this tes- AGHHHHHHHHH"
Mom: "Scream, baby. Let the tension out"
Me: "No wait, Ma... *hyperventilating while reading the email that just came in* I just - got an email - saying - that - Idris - Elba is now following me on TWITTER!!!"
I took that thought and that knowledge that Idris Elba was following me on TWITTER and stepped up and took that math test with no problem! Ok, so I didn't remember all the formulas but I did remember IDRIS ELBA. Which helped me to relax tremendously!
By the way, I got an "A" in Math! Prayer works! Thanks Twitter and of course thanks to IDRIS ELBA!!!
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