You ever notice that some people in your office are just too serious? I mean ALL THE TIME. Never smiling or cracking a joke. Let's face it! Corporate America has a tendency to be staid and stodgy. Why can't we all be like Google and other companies that remember what it was like to have fun? Just because we're adults, doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't remember what being a kid was like. After all, that was when we were the most creative. Don't believe me? Think back to when you were about 8 years old and you and your brother were playing ball in the house. Now your mom told you not to and repeatedly warned you about all of her "breakables". But you and your brother were having so much fun and you were sliding into home base (aka the foot of the china hutch)...and then you hear the crash! What creative story did you come up to get out of THAT one? I'm not advocating taking liberties with the truth. All I'm saying is that maybe we lost ...
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