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Showing posts from May, 2011

I don't wanna grow up!

You ever notice that some people in your office are just too serious? I mean ALL THE TIME. Never smiling or cracking a joke. Let's face it! Corporate America has a tendency to be staid and stodgy. Why can't we all be like Google and other companies that remember what it was like to have fun? Just because we're adults, doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't remember what being a kid was like. After all, that was when we were the most creative. Don't believe me? Think back to when you were about 8 years old and you and your brother were playing ball in the house. Now your mom told you not to and repeatedly warned you about all of her "breakables". But you and your brother were having so much fun and you were sliding into home base (aka the foot of the china hutch)...and then you hear the crash! What creative story did you come up to get out of THAT one? I'm not advocating taking liberties with the truth. All I'm saying is that maybe we lost ...

Survival Guide Series - How to Survive a Horror Movie

Have you ever been in a bad situation and you wish you had a survival guide?   Oh come on, you know you’ve been in a jam a time or two…didn’t know which way to turn or how to get out? So, you’ve never used a road map or GPS? Ah, so you have. Well, how about a situation that isn’t charted on a map or GPS? How to Survive in a Horror Movie Say what? If your 6 year old suddenly stars speaking in Latin, Aramaic or some other language not heard of since before Moses was a baby – now is NOT the time to proclaim yourself the parent of a genius – seek immediate help. I see bugs. If your heretofore pristine home seems to suddenly have more bugs and spiders than a proverbial roach motel – CHECK OUT! Two’s company, three’s a crowd.  You've heard that before, right? How about, there’s safety in numbers? Well, it’s true – at least as safe as you can be in a horror movie situation. In other words, don’t split up. If the big bad – and let’s face it, creepy- comes a ’calli...

Never Satisfied - An Introduction

I saw an article the other day about the latest research study."Studies show that sword swallowing may be dangerous". Umm, DUH?! How about "Recent research shows that drinking drain cleaner may be harmful to your health" Really? You don't say. I wonder how many countless dollars were expended on such lofty intellectual pursuits? I have a topic that I wish THEY would research, "What makes people greedy?" or better said "Why aren't people ever satisfied?" Think about it - how much stuff do you have in your house, right now, this very minute because it was the newest, hottest item on the the time? No, count them...go ahead, I'll wait. *checks watch* Wow, that many, huh?  Do you even remember why you bought some of that stuff? Was anything wrong with the old model or was the flash of glitter on the new one too shiny to resist? Just couldn't resist that new Coach or Prada bag? And then what happens? You look around and...

How Twitter Helped Me Through Finals

Hello world! For those of you who don't know (and let's face it, some of you don't care) I have gone back to school. No, not because of downsizing but out of deep-seeded need to finish what I started. Long and somewhat painful story short, I find myself in the untenable position of being an older adult  non-traditional student. Which basically means, that I have all the responsibilities of a college student and the added bonuses of being a wife, mom and full-time career woman. (Whew, made me tired just typing that). I've been trying to finish for a little while now. You know, taking a few hours here and there but last semester I got serious. I took 17 hours! A full-time + 5 hour load. INSANITY. But, I made it through with shining colors and all of my hair intact (smile) So, I figured, if I could do it once, surely I could do it again. I registered for 15 hours this semester - naturally thinking the reduction of 2 hours would ease the load (lol). Wr...