Hola! Que pasa? Me? Well as you can tell, the whole " I need a bano" incident just fine. Of course, I wasn't really concerned (paws crossed). As I said, my people love me. How could they not? I'm so darned cute!!! Oh and it's not just them who think I'm so loveable. Every time they have people over, they instantly fall in love. Are you laughing at me? You don't believe me? Okay so let me tell you something...today, there were some people at my house. They were doing the typical people-y stuff...laughing, EATING...But this time they didn't actually COOK dinner. I know, right? Surprised me, too. No, instead they went out for dinner. I can almost hear some of you saying "what does that have to do with them loving you, Oscar?" Un momentito, por favor. I'm getting to that part right now. When the people, MY people, returned to the house they did not come empty handed. They thought of yours truly even while they were out to dinner. So the...
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