Hello, how are you? Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Oscar. Before I get into my story, let me make sure you know how to say my name correctly. As I said, my name is Oscar but it is pronounced Osk-ar. My family -yes, I permit them t get away with mispronouncing my name. But that's just because they love me so much. To be honest, they call me many cute names...I must admit "Oskey" is one of my faves. One of my family members calls me "Owee" LOL. My family is really great. All my needs are met. They're basically like my helpers, or friends -except when they get on my nerves. Like those times one of them stays in the bathroom for like TWENTY MINUTES!!! I mean really, others need to go too. Now, they don't speak my language but somehow we understand each other. Sort of like that look that you get from your Mama. The one that says "No...you better not...try me..." So I give them a look and they come do what I need. Open the door for...
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