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Showing posts from March, 2021


Slow, warm, wet...what are your favorite kind of kisses? I mean do you have more than one fave? Like are you the passionate, OH LORD I THINK HE STOLE MY SOUL, fan? I have to admit that is DEFINITELY a good one. Or maybe you're the more quick brush of the lips type Hmmm, those are good too. What about the ones that seem to last for years? OH YEAH those are spectacular, too. But then there's the one kiss that seems to just stay with you.  THE FOREHEAD KISS. Sometime and in some cases, a forehead kiss can be a hundred times better than one of those everlasting SOUL STEALERS. Wait wait wait - hear me out Think of the last time when you were little and your mom or grandma gave you a hug and before you left her arms she planted a kiss right in the middle of your forehead. You remember how that felt? How did you feel? Warm?  In that moment you knew you were in their heart.  Now, think of the last time you got one of those kisses from the man/woman in your life? Seemed innocent a...

A Perfect Fit

Hello Blogoverse! Ok, so we're cool with each other right? I mean we've shared experiences, stories and laughs with each other. So since we're cool with each other, lemme ask you something - what size are your unmentionables? LOL I'm kidding - unless you just wanna share - but seriously, why do you think there are different sizes? Pants, shoes, shirts - but it doesn't stop there. Apartments, houses, cars, meals - literally there's a size reference for just about everything. Wonder why? No? Just me, huh? Or did you already say  - "Duh, it's because not everyone is the same" DING DING DING Well you don't say... Alright let's dig a little further. Search your memories - do you recall hearing/reading a story about a young lady, who was like the overlooked child of the family, who one day gets the chance of a lifetime...she gets to go to a super swank grown-up party. I'm talking flashy ride - complete with a chauffeur, custom-made fancy dres...