Hey!!! This is a going to be a short post but I was having some random thoughts (yes, I know shocking LOL). How many of you have called out of work? LOL, right. I'm sure you had a GOOD excuse for missing work. ANNNDDD I'm sure those excuses were legit, right? Or at least sounded legit or at the very least believable, no? 10 EXCUSES FOR BEING LATE/MISSING WORK - THAT PROBABLY WON'T WORK 1. I couldn't find a parking space - Job: Valet 2. I missed my flight - Job: Pilot 3. I got lost - Job: Tour Guide 4. My wife is sick - Status: Confirmed Bachelor 5. I don't feel up to par today - Job: Professional Golfer 6. Can't get my car out of the garage - Residence: Trailer 7. Flat tire and don't know how to change it - Job: Mechanic 8. Hurt my back lifting the baby - Job: Professional Bodybuilder 9. Toilet is backed up, don't know what to do - Job: Plumber 10. Donated too much blood bank yesterday -Who: VAMPIRE! Got a good o...
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