If you've been following my blog at all, you know that I have some pretty random thoughts. And today is no exception (SMILE) Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone else? Not necessarily someone famous...or heck, infamous for that matter. Just someone other than yourself? For instance, what is a day in the life of the person who has the office across from yours? Does he/she have a happy home life? Is the reason they seem to be so happy at work because their home life SUX!!??? Do they lead a sexy double-life? Maybe they work 9 to 5 in the office with you but on nights and weekends they are ahem "phone operators" (wink wink). You heard the story about the so called soccer mom who was also, allegedly, operating an escort service? What would you find out if you spent 24 hours as someone else? Who would you be? Would you pick a famous person? Office mate (You're so nosy, lol)? Or maybe just someone of a different gender or ethnicity? Ooh TH...
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