Okay, I absolutely adore Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Seriously though...who doesn't? Ok so the Dunkin Dougnut folks probably not so much. But to them I say, "where's your HOT DOUGHNUTS NOW" sign? That little bit of illumination has made more than one person bust a u-E (that's u-turn for those of you who aren't in the know, lol) in the middle of the street. But after ordering my most recent box (hey, it was to support the schools and you know I'm about supporting education SMILE) - I noticed that the FUND Raising logo was on the front of the box. I was thinking, is this supposed to incite folks to buy a box? Or maybe it's that 0 grams trans fat sticker on the box? That's it, right?? Guilt-free doughnuts?? That's the excuse I'm using for eating these delicious, sweet circles of goodness. Hmm, upon closer inspection, the sticker says "per serving". Wonder what constitutes a serving? According to the box, it's ONE doughnut?! I ne...
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