So in my sister and I have decided to "get in shape" in time for an upcoming family reunion. Now, I'm not trying to whittle my way down to a size 0, just shed a few more inches/pounds...whatever. My goal is 20 pounds - and NO, I'm not telling you how much I weigh currently. Let's just leave it at I weigh more than I would like to presently. We started this family reunion countdown on Monday and have until June 30 to reach the goal. Boy, do I miss my gym membership right about now (but I don't miss the monthly dues!) Anyway, so I've started working out the cheap - ahem, low cost way...WALKING - power walking to be exact. For 45 mins, I walk as fast and as hard as I can in effort to get my heart rate up and work up a sweat. The plan is to do this AT LEAST 3x/week EVERY week but I'm shooting for 5x/week. Hey, a girl's gotta have a goal, right? ../power%20walking Additionally, I'm trying to eat a little health...
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