Which one of these two people is African? Photo copyright Chris Kirchoff. Photo by Colin Mead. Copyright SA Tourism Go ahead, give it some thought...I'll wait (cue game show music....) Ok. All done? Great. So by a show of hands how many of you chose photo number 2? Raise them high so I can get a good count (1, 2, 3, ...500,.....) Okay, so quite a few of you. Now, just for fun, how many of you chose photo number 1? Anyone? Ok, there's one hand raised -ooh I think I see another hand - yep waaayy in the back. Well, the correct answer is - (cue drum roll please) Photo Number 1...AND Photo Number 2! That's right - both of these handsome young people are African. Surprise anyone? I'm sure it did. So why bring this up? Before I get to that take a look at these photos: http://african-american-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/african-american-hairstyles2.jpg photo located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin Wh...
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