This is the first entry in a series of Friday entries called "Frankly Friday". It will be posts about, hmmm, well...nothing in particular and everything in general. There may be only one or two entries per Friday or multiple entries. It all depends on YOU! So, who's ready for some random cohesiveness??? Football A big congratulations to the UNC-Tarheels who clinched their first ACC win last night in Blacksburg, VA. They took on the #13 Hokies and brought home what had been an elusive conference win. I have to admit - they had me worried in the first quarter, but they rallied and kept fighting. Special shout outs: #64 - Jonathan Cooper COOOOOP- I saw you putting in work, Baby Boi! Keep holding them back and knocking them down. Much love. #54 Bruce Carter - BRRUUUCCCEEE! That dude thought he was gonna sneak by you, huh? NOT! #8Greg Little - Do you practice those spin moves or do they come naturally? Sorry, I'm not sure of this player's name/number but to the pun...
Welcome to the word of Mackgurl! A world full of musings, facts, fun and just stuff that interests me. Hopefully, it will interest you, too. So feel free to share links to the website but do not copy without credit.